Work and live in the city
AND in the countryside.
45 minutes from Berlin and Potsdam.
A community for co-working, co-living,
relaxation, family, sports and regional food.
Family, Friends, Work.
Are you tired of working from home but nothing tempts you to the office? We are a community of people who’s longing for a timeout from the city without missing the benefits of the city.
From Berlin and Potsdam you can reach us by train or car in about 45 minutes.

Our Vision:
"Project June" is a CO2 positive campus for family, work, friends, food, events and sports with modern technology and good karma.
The Location.
A typical four-sided farm, as often found in Brandenburg in the past. The former cattle and pig farm of a nationally owned company of the GDR was elaborately and faithfully renovated. Here you will find plenty of options for creative work, family, gastronomic experiences and sports. The village was first mentioned in documents around the year 1170. The green space and the new children's playground form the center of the village.
The Courtyard.
The centrepiece of the facility is the courtyard. Here you can currently find a pond and a pigeon tower. A swimming pond and a meeting room are going to be built. The terrace of the restaurant “Landgasthof Jüterbog” is a great place to linger - from breakfast café in the sun until late evening. The GUTWALD Grill offers everything a gourmet's heart desires, from vegan grill offerings to exquisite fillet of beef.
The Yard.
Our farm also features a pension stable - the Reitstall Jüterbog. More than 50 horses live here and benefit from the spacious 13 hectares of land. Every year the Reiterverein Jüterbog e.V. organizes a supraregional riding tournament on our showground. Cyclists and skaters as well as hiking enthusiasts come here for fun and exercise: Flämig Skate runs with 3 routes over our property and also enjoys extensive bicycle tours. The adjacent nature reserve is very popular with hikers.
Our environment. You are close to the nature AND the city.
Jüterbog - A city in the south of Berlin and Potsdam. It is located in Teltow-Fläming.
The city district Werder is 850 years old and has 75 residents.
We want to become a meeting place for pioneers, gourmets, athletes, nature lovers and connoisseurs. It’s for everybody who’s dreaming of more nature and want to get a better work life balance.
Together we create this beautiful place into our urban retreat for work, family, friends, food, sports and events.
Come and join Project June!
Let’s create this beautiful place together as a community - become a member!
Our mission:
We are building a community for people who are looking for a co-working space in the middle of nature. Sports and free time opportunities - A family and working friendly campus just 45 minutes away from Berlin. Fresh, healthy, local food and high speed internet are essential.
Come to projectjune and let’s create this place to a better place! We are looking forward to your ideas and wishes!
Because “You can have your cake and eat it”
We are looking to YOU!